The Dude recently decreed that the mullet is defined by a clear curl at the tip of the offending party in the back, a matter which is clear evidence that he is not American. That is not to say that the British are not au fait with the mullet, I can attest having resided here for over six years that the mullet is sported perhaps a bit too often. I do, however, think they have yet to refine the art of the mullet quite to the standard that we expect of our bemulleted Americans.
I am pleased to say that the mullet in our household is in decline. I'm not confident that the resulting formation - at times Jereth the Goblin King, at others the beginnings of a very fine-haired Anton Chigurh, is much of an improvement. I'm a film fan, so I'm pleased that P is keen to replicate the look from movies enjoyed by her mother, but jesus, could she not sprout a cool hairstyle for once? It all started with Joe Dirt, and progression has been stagnant at best.
To wit:


Can you understand my concern? What hair formation should we fear will descend next?


Or, with any luck...

Thankfully, we are at a point that the mullet can at least be a bit tamed and pulled into ponytails/pigtails, or as they say here, "bunches". Praise the lord above, we can make cute hair. Finally.
Please don't mention the cheap ass My Little Pony top and socks with Tevas. We kind of let her dress herself on weekends since she's in her uniform all week, and this is what she chose. I think we all know it's 50 kinds of awesome.
And Alex's mullet took about 4 haircuts to properly remove. Thankfully, I did so.
As soon as the sides of my daughter's hair were long enough, we gave the mullet the ol' heave-ho in favor of the bob.
Now she's more Posh than Joe Dirt. Not that that's necessarily a good thing, mind you...
Uniform? Oh my, how utterly sweet to see a little collection of uniformed small people in crocodile!
You're so right. She rocks the mullet.
The Jareth hair is so exceedingly cool I think I might have my own cut, straightened and bleached.
I had My Little Ponies as a small child. I think I would have killed for a My Little Pony top.
PS My word verification is txsquiff. Hurrah!
We have the exact opposite hair issue here - it grows from the top in all directions, so she's more 1963 Paul McCartney than anything else, except The Jillian is waaaaay cuter.
The judicious use of barrettes keeps her from bumping into things, but we do not yet have the length that will allow ponytails!
Dude, who DOESN'T want to look like David Bowie in Labyrinth?! I know I do! Okay, I don't but still, if she has to imitate anyone's mullet it should definitely be Bowie's. The bunches are adorable though and they totally offset the socks and sandals thing.
Ah, P's mullet is gone. I keep cutting Jasper's off, but even when it's short, it still looks mulletty. Because, well, he just doesn't have anything on top. He looks like a monk.
Never had a mullet issue, but did have a daughter who inherited a bad forehead cowlick via both parents, so I decided bangs were OUT from the get go, and things were pretty fug from about 1.5-2 while we grew that out. I'd say she looked more muppet than Bowie, so clearly fairly uncool.
That is the fashion du jour here in the midwest. Just ask Molly.
Also, I believe another reference for P's coiffe can be found in this picture:
Buddy kind of has the Jean-Luc Picard thing going. Very sexy. Also, he'd lost most of the hair he was born with on top, but retained a dozen or so three-inch long hairs that poked their way through the fuzzy new growth.
He's pretty much looked bizarre since birth.
Oh yes yes yes. Laffing laffing laffing Pru, excellent photo research, not to mention styling your own baby for the entertainment of strangers. But they are cute cute bunches and she is way more than 50 sorts of everything.
Boys can wear bunches right?
Good lord, I think I just peed my pants. Who doesn't love a retrospective of all things mullet? The mullet around here actually meets the Dude's standards as the only part of her hair that has curl is the tip of her rocking mullet. We're in phase one of mullet elimination; it's not an attractive phase, mind you,
We, too have a Dude-approved mullet, still with the fine short wispy stuff on the top and sides and long curls in the back. As soon as the sides get past her ears (it should only take another 2-3 years at this rate) I'm chopping it all into a bob.
The pigtails are TOO CUTE. And the outfit is too awesome.
I love when kids dress themselves. It's so cute.
Man, Joan and Melanie have some BIG hair in Working Girl. Ah, the '80s.
Bunches win over mulletts for me!
I asked L what she wanted to wear to school today (uniforms stifle their creativity apparently much to my annoyance) and received the response: stripes, spots and flowers please. She looked great if odd.
I think P and ELiza have the same stylist!
Little kids with socks and sandals KIIIILLLLLL me, it's so dang cute.
As are the bunches.
That mullet is legendary! She'd make a good Aussie!
Ah, the baby mullet. There's nothing quite like it, is there. Isabella didn't have a mullet, but she did rock the fauxhawk for a good long time. Now she just has a wicked combover.
You're lucky P will let you put pigtails in her hair. Isabella won't let me do it.
PS: Did you get the bands I emailed you?
Holy Bowie, batman, that is some serious King of the Goblins hair going on. So awesome!
The Prawn also will not let me pigtail her. Alas.
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