First up, we have a whole host of recommendations from Major Bedhead. She was even thoughtful enough to include comments, show-off that she is, so they are included here. I hope you don't mind MB!
Cigarettes & Chocolate Milk - Rufus Wainwright. "I fucking love this guy. His voice kills me. And this song is me - everything I like is a little bit sweeter, a little bit fatter, a little bit harmful for me."
The Last Good Day Of The Year - Cousteau. "This song epitomizes the last days of fall for me, the chill, the leaves that have given their last burst of glory, the painfully blue skies. Bittersweet."
At The River - Groove Armada. "Another end-of-summer piece of gorgeousness."
The Outdoor Type - The Lemonheads. "I couldn't find a non-live version of this, unfortunately. I love this song. It's me to a T. SO not an outdoorsy kind of girl."
Killer Queen - Queen. "Because this song fucking rocks."
And since I know of MB's major love for The Boss, I'll put Thunder Road on here for her anyway. It is her favourite song ever, so it's the least I could do.
Next up we have Alexa, mistress of Flotsam. I'm sure you all read her, so I needn't tell you endlessly of her fabulousness. Alexa's pick is "If I Ever Feel Better" by Phoenix, about which she says:
"This was my favorite song second year of college when the album came out--I had just gone through a terrible breakup, and I played this song over and over and over, until my roommates wanted to beat me senseless everytime they heard the THUMP of the beginning beat. It was (is) a bit sad but hopeful, danceable, generally fabulous. I was all excited to recommend it, and now I see that it was on some show recently, so probably now everyone has heard it a million times. I don't care, it is still one of my favorites."
As if to completely validate the point of Music Monday, Magpie from Magpie Musing has suggested KD Lang's version of Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah. I didn't even know such a thing existed! Jeff Buckley's version is my favourite, which I have alluded to before, but it is very interesting to hear a female singing it. Interested parties might also want to hear the Regina Spektor version.
I've decided that I will have to carry this on to two weeks, so numerous are the requests. Who would have thought? You are to be commended.
So though Thalia didn't request anyting specifically, she has been pushing me to include some Dar Williams for about ten years now. As you wish Thalia, as you wish.
Dar Williams - The Christians and the Pagans
As Cool As I Am
That's week one of Reader Request Music Monday wrapped up. I tried to pick and mix the greatest variety in order to keep it as diverse next week. New music for your iPod mayhap?

As usual, pop out if it doesn't want to play!
Thanks for posting my entire list - I didn't expect that. Now I'm all melancholy, but in a good way.
And oh mah holy hell. Acoustic Thunder Road (oh, the happy!) AND three different versions of Hallelujah? I'm going to go have a little sob now.
I, too, am a big, big fan of the Jeff Buckley version, although K.D. Lang knocked it out of the park with hers. I'd never heard that before. She has such a gorgeous voice and really did it justice.
Oh wow - I hadn't heard Phoenix in a long time. I have that CD - I wonder where the hell it is.
Hallelujah is a great song - I have six versions of it on my iPod. Check this out:
That's so freaky. I almost sent you "Cigarettes and Chocolate Milk" on my list of suggestions. Which is just weird, 'cos of all the Rufus Wainwright songs, that one is just not as well known.
Anyway, as usual, I will thoroughly enjoy perusing your music monday links (and thanks for the birthday wishes- I appreciate it!).
Was mine not cool enough to make the list or am I being held over to next week?
Oh I'm glad you picked up the Regina Spektor - that's haunting, isn't it?
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