The playlist is a little bit of everything this week:
Horse Feathers - a band from Portland, kind of in the vein of Iron & Wine and Will Oldham. That is to say, a kind of folk/indie/Americana vibe. I know, surprise surprise. I have a particular fondness for the band's name as my Mom, in all seriousness, says "Oh, horsefeathers". For realz.
More info: MySpace
Blitzen Trapper - Coincidentally, they are touring with Horse Feathers and also from Portland. When I first read about this band, I anticipated that it would be a band plagued and defeated by its own self-concious desire to be hip, a la Vampire Weekend or any of the innumerable shitty guitar bands to come from Britain lately. However, I can't even describe their sound. All I know is that when I listen to Wild Mountain Nation I swear I'm listening to a song from the Freaks and Geeks soundtrack. As for diversity, listen to Shady Grove as well - it's nothing like the other two Blitzen Trapper songs.
More info: MySpace
The War on Drugs - East Coast!! Philly (reppin'!) to be precise. Sonic Youth mixed with Bruce Springsteen if the Amazon blurb is to be believed. I hear a bit of Dylan too. Whatever it is, I'm digging it. I turn up XPN as loud as I professionally can when "Arms Like Boulders" comes on at work.
More info: MySpace
Florence and the Machine - When I first saw the video for "Kiss with a Fist", I was all, "Whatever Fake Kate Nash, that kooky, mockney shit is played out". HOWEVER, this song has grown on me like some sort of creeping crud and I love it. There, I said it.
More info: MySpace
Charlotte Sometimes - I came across her when surfing my internet radio, which is a lot cooler than it sounds. Kind of mindlessly poppy, but without the guilt. That, and she's hella cute. I hope she's not 16 or something, though I'm guessing from some of the lyrics that she's a bit older. Ok, I've just checked and she's 20 or 24 depending on where you look, which makes my girl crush a bit more acceptable.
More info: Website
Goldenhorse - from New Zealand, home of kiwis, and most importantly, Flight of the Conchords. I don't really know much about them, but they're good for a listen.
More info: Website
If all you see is a big gray box like I do, just click "Pop Out Player" or whatever it says. That should work. It had better work.

You are so very cool to set this all up. Sigh.
Anyhoo, this probably says a lot about my maturity level and the times of day I listen to XPN, but I'm digging (have dug?) Charlotte Sometimes and Flo/Machine. I only recently heard War on Drugs, and find it amusing that they list themselves as "Pop/Ambient/Comedy" on their facebook page. Heh.
(Let's not harsh out too much on VampWeekend, mkay? Not only my workout music but they hail from my alma mater.)
Have never heard of Goldenhorse, and am really liking it.
Wait, you run now? I have A LOT of catching up to do. I think I have like 30 posts to read. (slinks away in shame.)
You know, I can admit it. I wondered how long you could keep up Music Monday. Damn, girl, you listen to a variety of music! I would have run out of bands to talk about long ago because I am very, very boring musically but you just keep going. Kudos, my friend. Kudos.
Charlotte Sometimes is tremendous. I love her.
Hey, as an aside on Philly Music, and not to bum you out, but you did hear that Rob Hazzard died, yes? Only 59. Took the Great Escalator, I suppose.
I'm on a PC for the next few months but on a Mac I can't play the playlists...
I love your Music Mondays, btw.
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