There was a time in which I was concerned that I wouldn't have enough music to comprise a whole post, and now I find myself with more than enough for two. I did need to kick you in the ass a few times, but you crazy kids came through for me in the end!
First off, we have May's requests. If you're not already reading May, you've got a lot of catching up to do. About her selections, May says,
"Songs that I, personally, think everyone should at least listen to the very once. Whether they add to one's functionality in today's society is highly debatable, especially as friends and relations think my taste in music certifiable at the best of times."
Manu Chao: Mr Bobby
The Traveling Wilburys: Inside Out
The Traveling Wilburys: Tweeter and the Monkey Man
Eagles: Take it Easy
Fine Young Cannibals: Funny How Love Is
Lut C, though often quite quiet lately, has emerged to request the B-52s: Planet Claire
Em over at Eggs Akimbo has mixed it up and asked for some Cher. It seems Cher is a popular choice around these parts, as Beth is a bit partial to some Cher as well. Here you go Cher-lovers!
Cher: I've Found Someone
Erin from All My Pretty Hates, yet another blog you need to be reading, has suggested The Weepies. I've not yet had a chance to investigate The Weepies much, but I like what I hear so far.
The Weepies: Gotta Have You
HairyFarmerWife has requested Sheryl Crow. Now, I have a rather rabid dislike of Sheryl Crow, but I will allow HFW some Crow this time because I love the woman so dearly. HFW, not Ms Crow. Also, I don't mind this song. Oh, and Strong Enough. That's a good one.
Sheryl Crow: My Favourite Mistake
Kristi, my co-writer of the currently stagnant Mush, mother to one friggin' cute toddler, and soon to be mother to TWINS, has some recommendations straight out of my mid-90s life. I selected the titles Kristi, I hope you find them agreeable!
Echo and the Bunnymen: The Killing Moon
Suede: Trash (Live on Jools Holland)
The Beautiful South: Dream a Little Dream
Cali has fully embraced the spirit of Music Monday and been most diverse in her picks.
Cat Stevens: Moonshadow
Soul Coughing: Circles
Cowboy Junkies: Sweet Jane
Mel, who is very concerned that I am refusing her request due to lack of coolness, is most insistent that I put this bloody video up already. HERE YOU GO MEL. YOU CAN STOP SENDING ME PARCELS OF PUBIC HAIR MIXED WITH PIG ENTRAILS NOW.
America: Sister Golden Hair
Last, but certainly not least, we have the recommendations of a blogger's husband. I am told that said husband may view blog reading and commenting as a frivolous endeavour, but that Music Monday has his stamp of approval. So flattered was I by this, that I told my own husband, as if to emphasise to him that look - other husbands think this is cool! He remains unconvinced. So Betty M's husband, thank you for being the first person to make suggestions for this theme. I'm even willing to forgive you for being an anti-blogite.
"If you like Elbow and/or Beta Band, try Cranebuilders - 'Sometimes you hear through someone else' is a great album, you can listen to some songs at, start with Radio Song. Another recommendation that came from the same source for me is I am Kloot - try 'Play Moulin Rouge'."
I couldn't really find any Cranebuilders (YouTube's suggestion was The Cranberries), but here is some I Am Kloot from the sessions mentioned above.
I Am Kloot: Hey Little Bird
Laura Marling: New Romantic
"Now this is left field but too special not to mention. If you listen to fado, you'll know Mariza, if not and you enjoy amazing female voices [she is also about 6 foot, platinum blond crop and gorgeous] she's really not to be missed - quite astonishing. Terra is her new album but really at her most spine tingling live [agree there - we saw here at Womad in 2007 and forgot we were knee deep in mud]"
Mariza: Cavaleiro Monge (Live)
Mariza: Barca Negro
"While I'm in left field, have a listen to the Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain. I can guarantee it'll make you smile."
Ukelele Orchestra of GB: Wuthering Heights
Since Mr Betty M seems to know his stuff, I'll just cut and paste some other recommendations for you music fiends out there. No video I'm afraid, as I need to get to bed before 2am.
"Back to indie pop and thinking about your fondness for James, you should try British Sea Power, 'Do you like Rock Music?' is a good starting point. And do you know the Wonderstuff? Same kind of time as James and much the same energy.
And given that you like Morrissey, I am tempted to start writing about Prefab Sprout so I think it's time to stop."
Oh yeah, I guess I should throw in my brother's recommendation, even though he had a whole week of his own recently. It's Iron & Wine, and as I really like him (them?), I'm ok with this suggestion. I believe my brother attended this show, which is likely the main reason he wants me to put it up. I'll humour him this time.
Iron & Wine: The Trapeze Swinger
That's it, I'm spent.
Here's the playlist. I had to make some substitutions, but did what I could. As usual, pop out the player if you can't see it properly.

For some reason, none of these are playing any sound with them, even when I try to get them to play on youtube. I'm going to attempt to remember to come back and try again, but I have a notoriously poor rememberer.
I, like Mel, was pretty convinced that my choices must be so uncool as to not be worthy of a mention here on Music Monday. I calmed myself after last week, assured that I must simply be one whose music was only cool enough for the latter set of the Reader Request series.
Alas, I find that in actuality, I am so absurdly uncool that I don't even make it in the second batch. Man, I suck, suck, suck.
Okay. Actually, I'm just pretty sure that I must have inadvertently been missed, or that there is a third batch coming or something (but if the truth is that my choices are rank, then I can take it. You can tell me). I just have to believe that A Tribe Called Quest and The Sundays are at least passable enough that even if one does not like them, surely one can't object to other people liking them.
For the record, in case anyone cares, here is what I submitted:
Check The Rhyme by Tribe Called Quest
Seriously, if you hear this and don't feel your spine kinda loosen and your ass start to shake a little, then I would be really surprised. This is one of those songs that when it comes up on my Shuffle, I just know I can run a little farther, can do just one more interval, etc.
Good shit, man.
My Finest Hour by The Sundays
Ah, the profound sadness of the Sundays, at once aching, consuming, but so hollow. Their Reading, Writing and Arithmetic album defined the summer before my freshman year in high school, which was possibly the last time I felt any sort of real freedom and happiness. I bought the tape at University Records, a now-defunct record place in Lubbock, while I was at band camp that summer. Tom and Nicole and Starr and Julie and Jerome and all the other the Dead Wetheads and the Sundays.
Oh, how I miss that youthful time. Anyway, the other thing this song does for me is to remind me of what a stupid American I am. It took me forever (I mean, like, years...) to figure out what the line: "The finest hour I've ever known/ was finding a pound in the Underground" meant. A pound of what? And why were you digging in the ground? Did someone bury their weed stash? I don't get it!
OH... currency and subway transport. It all makes sense.
So that is what Kate submitted.
ooooh! there are some good songs here (& even songs in the comments! woo hoo!)
And since I LOVE Elbow I am on a quest to find the like minded (sounded) band referenced.
this looks like it was a lot of work, so take a nap.
I really, REALLY liked the Laura Marling! The video really appealed to me too which is unsual; normally I hate the videos. (Nothing personal, just normally not a big fan of video.) Lovely choice.
Oo, I'm liking this week lots. Most eclectic! I was very close to mentioning Suede or the Beautiful South, but someone else did it for me. Cool!
And the Travelling Wilburys! God, Tweeter & the Monkey Man are 20 years old, and I can still sing (ok, croak) all the words. SUCH a fab, fab album, that I'm totally going to have to go and beat up my poor old Dad in order to borrow.
I've seen the Ukelele clip before, and these guys do absolutely rock. Speaking of little strummy instruments: I do have a banjo myself. I even play it sometimes - when I want the place to myself.
Can I put in a request for some Hayseed Dixie in advance of the NEXT reader request Music Monday?! Many Fanks!
What was the breaking point: the pig entrails or the pubic hair?
Ah, you chose wonderfully. Trash is one of my favorite Suede tunes, and I've not heard that Beautiful South cover. I love it. Of course, not as much as the hilarious 36D, but I do like it!
Great picks from the other contributors too.
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