

Carrying on with this why-blog-about-real-topics-let's-call-the-whole-thing-off theme I've got going here, I have a favour to ask. The Dude and I LOVE The Wire. We want to have sex with it. I want to bear its petri dish children. Unfortunately, it is not one of the TV shows like 24, Prison Break, and Lost that the UK thinks is important enough to air close to the US air dates. This breaks our tiny little Anglo-American hearts.

January 6 marks the premiere on HBO, and The Dude and I cannot bear the thought of waiting the better part of a year before the show airs here. This is where you kind souls come in - would anyone be so nice as to record the episodes on DVD as they air and send us the episodes when the series finishes in the US? You will be handsomely rewarded in a manner which has not yet occurred to me. I'll buy you a necklace on Etsy (which, by the way ROCKS almost as much as geology), I'll send you an Amazon gift card, I'll pay for your IVF. Uh, ok, perhaps not the last one, but I'll hook you up with something.

Heeeeeelpppppp meeeeeee!


Eggs Akimbo said...

It must be good! Hope it come on TV in Oz! Did you ever get into Joan of Arcadia? I've just started watching it on Foxtel here. (our equivalent of Sky)

Kerri Anne said...

We have no way to record ANYTHING right now, but I wanted to chime in to say: Etsy is like crafty crack and I LOVE crafty crack. I'm on it far too many hours a day to admit aloud. Crack! I say.

Helen said...

Have you tried Bit Torrent? I can check it if you want. That's how I download most of the US shows that the UK doesn't show/shows later.

OhTheJoys said...

K and I have just started watching The Wire. We can get the DVD on order from Netflix... do you have that?

Tim said...

If it's recorded in the US, it will be on the NTSC system, where the UK is on PAL. Not that I have HBO, but would you be able to watch it?


I agree with Helen that you should try Bit Torrent. There's less postage involved.

Tim said...


Anonymous said...

Oh, the Wire, the Wire, we love the Wire too. Watching season 4 on DVD now.
Stringer Bell, McNulty, Greggs, Omar, love 'em all.